Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Stuffed Capsicum

For 4
Ingredients :
Capsicums 450 gm
Potatoes 450 gm
Green Chillies 4 -5
Cheese 30 gm
Coriander leaves ½ bunch
Turmeric a pinch
Fat 30 gm
Mustard seeds a few
Lime ½
Salt to taste

Method :
1) Slice the top of capsicums.
2) Remove seeds, wash, apply salt on the inside and keep upside down on a rack.
3) Bil and chop potatoes; temper with mustard seeds. Add chopped green chillies, coriander leaves, turmeric and salt to taste.
4) Mix well, add lime juice.
5) Stuff capsicums with prepared stuffing. Top with cheese.
6) Heat fat in a frying pan and cook capsicums on a very slow fire till soft.
7) service hot.

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