Wednesday, September 16, 2009


· 1cup: Fine Semolina (suji)
· 1cup: Refined flour (Maida)
· ½ cup: Rice flour
· 11/2 cup: Ghee
· Oil for frying
· Salt to taste
For Badam Milk :
· 1 litre: Half cream milk
· 40 : Badam
· Sugar to taste
· Saffron few strands

MethodFor Badam Milk:
1. Soak the badam in hot water for half an hour.
2. Peel and grind into smooth paste.
3. Bring the half cream milk to boil, add badam paste, sugar to taste and a few strands of saffron and simmer for some time.
Chiroti :
1. Mix refined flour and semolina with 1/2cup of ghee along with a pinch of salt. Make a soft dough, keep aside for an hour and kneed it again. Make 10 small balls and roll to chapati's size.
2. Mix 3/4cup ghee and the rice flour into a paste.
3. Smear this paste on each of the chapattis and arrange one above the other and roll it like a swiss roll.
4. Cut the roll into 2" size pieces and press lightly on swiss roll and flatten to make a small poori.
5. Deep fry in refined oil and sprinkle sugar on it.
6. Serve the chiroti's with Badam milk.

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