Monday, August 31, 2009

Til Rice

For 4 persons

Ingredients :
- 500 gm
Gingelly Seeds - 115 gm
Red Chillies - 5 gm
Split black gram - 15 gm
Asafoetida - a pinch
Sat – to taste
Fat - 115 gm
Curry leaves - 1 spring
Cashew nuts - 15 gm
Lime - ½


1. Boil the rice.

2. Heat fat and fry the cashew nuts to a golden brown. Remove and drain. Fry curry leaves. Remove.

3. In the same fat, fry cleaned gingelly seeds, red chillies, asafetida and split black gram.

4. Remove and grind to a powder.

5. Mix the powdered masala, fried cashewnuts, salt, lime juice and chopped curry leaves with rice.

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